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Current projects

As a part of the danish obligations to reduce greenhouse gasses the Danish Environmental Protection Agency has in the autumn 2006 made licitation of trail run on danish landfill sites in 2007.

We have been promised subsidy on 3 trail programs on the following landfill sites in 2007:
  • Skibstrup affaldscenter, owned by Helsingør town council
  • Hedeland Deponi, run by I/S KARA, Roskilde
  • Gerringe Deponi, owned by I/S REFA, Nykøbing Falster
Medio September 2007 we were informed by the Danish Environmentl Protection Agency that they had found money for 3 more test pumping projects we had applied for at the same time as the 3 above mentioned.
Ydernæs Deponi.
The photo shows drilling of a borehole. In 4 days we made 34 boreholes and 3 fascines. The drillings have a diameter of 150 mm.
The construction work began on April 21, 2008 and the test pumping began on May 15. Medio July the result is a continous amount of gas at about 175 kW with about 33 % methane. The gas is burned in 3 torches.
Deponigas ApS hope to book a 60 kWel dual-fuel engine in the near future. It depends of the demands from the authorities concerning emissions.
Fladså Deponi.
The drilling began on June 25, 2008. And the test pumping began on 11 August. The gas will in this period be transformed in a biofilter with wood chips.
We have made 24 drillings. 4 of them are combined in 1 gas transmission pipe to manifold.
Because of doupt of the quality and amount of gas in this landfill we have made the project in a very cheap edition. For example the cupboard - above - has replaced the ordinary steel container.
Operational data
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